
If we learn that the book we enjoyed when we were children is set to be made into a movie and we feel the most uncontrollable excitement. Imagine being the main character in the novel you were raised reading and adored. Feels surreal? Olivia Rodrigo was the first actor to have experienced this. Olivia debuted into the world of acting after bagging the lead role in the series American Girl -the episodes of which Rodrigo had been viewing since just 7 years old. It was her first time playing the character she had been a fan of and bonded to since childhood. Then, her talent was recognized and she is now famous to Disney fans. But this great success was not without a cost. Olivia was constantly moving between cities, sacrificing for regular classes and hanging out with friends. Olivia is quite popular with over 39 000 Instagram followers. Also, she is a big hit on Twitter.

Olivia Olivia Olivia Olivia Olivia


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